1:1 Elder-Mentoring
- Creating the space for a deeper and more meaningful conversation
What happens when a leader hits a personally tough period in their leadership journey?
A sense that there is something more awaiting you
A sense of tiredness
A sense of ‘is this it?’
A sense of repetition
A Sisyphus moment, where we get the ball near the top of the hill, only for it to roll down again
A feeling or fear of breaking down
A sense of ‘what happens now?’
A fear of loss of identity if I stopped doing what I’m doing
Brené Brown summed up these private moments perfectly.
‘The universe quietly places her hands upon your shoulders…and whispers in your ear, “You are half way to dead. Get a move on. I’m not screwing around. All of these pretending and performing, these coping mechanisms that you’ve developed to protect yourself from feeling inadequate and getting hurt, have to go. Your armour is preventing you from growing into your gifts’
There are big questions to ask and often no one to work them through with
So why are we really here on the planet? What is our unique contribution?
If leadership and all of the energy and ambition we’ve invested in it are not the ‘mountaintop’ of life, then why are we driving ourselves and others up against a glass ceiling?
What lies beyond leadership?
How do we create a different, wiser map of life?
How do we recognise the invitation to go beyond leadership through a tap on the shoulder?
How do we cross the threshold from leadership to eldership and legacy?
How do we renegotiate our-ego identity to something that fits our future potential?
How do we crystalise our experience into wisdom?
How do we own what we are really here to contribute – our true life purpose?
How do we seed a legacy?
How do we focus as much on who we are becoming, as what we are doing?
How do we offer eldering to our relationships, our work and our communities?
Trevor Waldock offers confidential 1:1 elder-mentoring to accompany you on your dilemmas, thresholds, transitions and life journey. How you can find the you that sits beneath and beyond the roles, the pressures and the hamster-wheels we often get caught up in.
To find out how this might work for you contact Trevor trevor@trevorwaldock.net
“There can come a time when we need to find more….more for our soul, more meaning & purpose. There can be signs and signals, but sometimes we need help to unearth the messages & direction. Working with a Meaning/Purpose Mentor can support you in this discovery & journey….helping you explore your higher intentions, deepest meanings & souls purpose. Working with Trevor is the gift of light to that journey. His wisdom & caring guidance enables your own journey of discovery”
Liz Beck Founder & CEO Aspiring HR
“Working with Trevor is an opportunity too good not to share. I speak from extensive experience and can honestly say time with him is time well invested, insightful, challenging, enriching”.
Steve Miles CEO Emerging Leaders
“I consider myself very lucky to have Trevor as an elder in my life. His care, encouragement and wisdom knows no bounds. I wish I could spread his magic across the whole world“
Jill Mcmillan Director Jill Mcmillan Associates