Non Fiction
The 18 Challenges of Leadership
Most leadership books focus either on the theory around leadership or underline the business importance of different aspects of leadership. This book is not about trying to come up with new theories; it is about making the existing theories and models accessible to everyone in a way that helps them put them to work.
To plant a walnut tree
Whether you're a twenty-something executive coming up for breath or a CEO at the top of your game, whether you re considering retirement or a career break, To Plant A Walnut Tree is a personal invitation to reshape your life and find a pathway to share wisdom in a practical way.

“Writing changes the world”
Mary Pipher
Am I Really Tired?
We all get tired. But do we all get tired for the same reasons? What if tiredness was like the set of indicators on the dashboard of your car? What if tiredness was like a flashing red light - a symptom, but not the problem itself. What if tiredness was a symptom, that if looked at closely could provide you with hidden wisdom for your own development - a hidden treasure, not just a physical symptom to be resolved by sleep.
A Rwandan Journey
Travel is an excellent teacher and classroom. As parents we spend years trying to protect our children from physical and emotional danger. Imagine then what happens when you take your oldest son with you on a journey to a place that has represented the most extreme horror of our generation.
Doing the Right Thing
How does a high potential young leader end up becoming a high profile lawsuit? The CEO of Anglo-Irish Bank has just been jailed for fraud. The stream of high profile cases from Enron through to VW is shouting loud and clear. “Something is missing from Executive and Leadership Development”. The development of character and the trajectory of moral decision-making is shaped day after day by the small decisions we take. In this practical book I show that moral leadership is a muscle that can be developed, like getting fit in a gymnasium. It can be taught, mentored and practiced daily within the little decisions – even like paying for two cups of coffee when the waitress mistakenly charged you for one.
Jericho and Other Short Stories
From the love story Jericho, to a range of penetrative and playful sketches, these short stories should have something that appeals to everyone